i think by now it's been proven that i'm addicted to making these web pages. what i'm going to do here is ramble on and on...because i can ;p my spelling is horrible i have no real grasp of sentence structure and sometimes i go off on some thing for hours at a time and have no point what so ever...so this should be fun....
you know i really don't know what i'm doing here i never update this page...i don't even know why i have a web page..it's just a bunch of useless crap on here anyway..i mean really how many of you if any came here of your own free will?...i probably begged and pleaded for you to come and take a gander...but for as worthless as this is i have take up alot of space on the web..i used to have aol, hotbot, angelfire, tripod and acmecity now i've moved over to mostly tripod....alot of my useless things take up alot of memory...well there's not much more to say...carry on

i love this background go click on the link over here to see more of this guys wonderful stuff ( The MangyMonkey Show!)

This wasn't stupid enough i must see more
i don't care much for your stupidity
i just wanna be brainwashed