Further into my web are we?

well the well well then hullo hullo hullo..some of you aimlessly followed a link on the art page here and for some this is the starting page so for those who don't know why you are here go to my home page Hullo, you're a wanker now those who want to go back from whence you can from click here

Photo Links

liz hard at work

people photos
non people photos
my distorted mindpix i've played with on the computer
Photos from Trash Brats shows
Cinderella Brochure (under construction)
my new fancy schmancy "professional" photography site

eric hiding in the colour darkroom

oh yea and if for some strange reason you feel the need to e-mail go for it the naked people
wait wait better idea wanna sign my guestbook please? it'll be loads of fun i promise that way to the guest book

Hall of humiliation will take you to some photos i may or my not have taken but hey you get to see pictures of people you do'nt even know does'nt that sound like fun?

No monkeys were harmed during the making of this page, however humans were harmed

this page could have been brought to you by the edge 105.1 but it was'nt so nevermind

..::sniff::.. the edge is now gone ..::sniff::..