For the love of Bowie!

welcome welcome welcome please direct your eyes to the links below and have a nice day...what did you expect me to babble on and on about david bowie?


B & W David: 29.6k
A lovely plaid coat: 6.9 k
Union Jack #1: 21.6k
Union Jack #2: 87.2k
Sitting so pretti: 45.5k
Guitar magazine cover: 124.1k
You're the devil: 19.8 k
Bowie in his bathrobe: 91.9k
Guitar Mag #2: 28.1k
ray gun: 4.1k
just standing here with a cig.: 10.6k
Partner in crime: 7.2k
bowie the cat burgular: 4.4k
Bowie - Christ?: 3.7k
ziggy, iggy, & lou: 19.9k
ziggy: 2.1k
lil' wonder: 8.7k
just thinking: 4.8k
Up close and personal: 2.9k
private eye bowie: 20.1k
you look stunning: 7.8k
ziggy then: 9.7k
& now: 43.2k
you just sit there: 7.1k
Low album cover: 12.8
alien like: 2.8k
another cig. pix.: 16.9k
just looking at the wall: 15.7k
lil' wonder too: 1.6k
on stage: 23.9k
love that plaid: 5.3k
probably spent half his life waiting for planes: 79.5k
stunning as jareth: 9.97k 56.3k
favourite live picture: 21.4k
union jack repeat: 21.1k
no, i'm just a worm: 8.77k

nothing tra la la la?!: